Trying To Get Pregnant With PCOS

Trying to get pregnant with a PCOS diagnosis can be a very challenging, emotional, and stress-driven time. There are some of us that get pregnant easily with PCOS, and then there are others, where month after month, nothing seems to be changing. PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in women – and this means it is generally more challenging to conceive with PCOS. BUT it’s also the condition most amenable to treatment, meaning we have the most options that are likely to yield benefit.

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What is PMDD?: When Mental Health Meets Hormone Health

There is a new hormonal term going around that you may or may have heard of; PMDD. PMDD stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This is a diagnosis that refers to a group of PMS symptoms that become so intense that they have extreme mood implications, and severe impacts on quality of life. It can get so bad that for that period of the month it can feel like a depressive episode.

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What’s Good For A Healthy Gut May Not Work For IBS

When it comes to building a healthy gut, many people automatically jump to grabbing prebiotics, probiotics or adding more dietary fiber into their diets. However, if you’re struggling with IBS you may have found that these ‘go-to’ gut strategies either have no effect, or they actually make things worse. In this blog Dr. Almir dives into the do's and don'ts of treating IBS.

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Using Cervical Fluid to Identify Your Fertile Window and Get Pregnant Faster

The best way to identify fertile days and increase the odds of conceiving each cycle is to track your cervical fluid. If you've never heard the phrase cervical fluid, you're not alone! Despite this being a strong marker of health and fertility, women are very rarely taught about the importance of cervical fluid in school or by their healthcare providers.

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Living With & Understanding Lean PCOS

PCOS is a spectrum condition. That means some individuals with PCOS fall into that classic presentation of ‘trouble losing weight, not getting a regular period, losing hair, etc’. But on the other side of the spectrum, there’s a very different person. This is Lean PCOS. Sadly, lean PCOS is like the ‘forgotten’ PCOS. There’s very little we know about why it happens, how to improve diagnostics, and most importantly, how to go about treating this type of PCOS most effectively.

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Mental Health + Hormones: Part 3

Welcome to week 3 of exploring the link between our mental health and our hormones. Today we are looking at how our food choices and our cravings are linked to our hormonal health and blood sugar levels. Sometimes the things that we choose to eat are not always based on our conscious control but other processes that are happening in our bodies, including our hormones.

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PCOS 101: I Was Just Diagnosed With PCOS What Do I Need To Know?

In today's episode, we dive into the basics of PCOS with Dr. Alessia Milano. We go through common questions such as what does it mean if you've just been diagnosed? Will you be able to have children? What are you treatment options? What does this mean for your long-term health? And much more. 

If you're looking to get the low down on PCOS and what it means for your health, this episode is for you! 

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