Using Cervical Fluid to Identify Your Fertile Window and Get Pregnant Faster


With the rising popularity of period tracking phone apps, I’ve been seeing a growing number of women relying on them to identify their fertile window when trying to conceive. Unfortunately, these apps cannot be relied upon and may be making it more difficult to get pregnant!

Cycle tracking apps use previous cycle lengths to estimate the fertile window. In many women, the date of ovulation and therefore fertile window varies from one cycle to the next making this estimate commonly inaccurate. Most apps also assume ovulation occurs mid-cycle which is also not the case for all women and for all cycles. If you’re relying on your app to identify your fertile window you may be missing your most fertile days.

The best way to identify fertile days and increase the odds of conceiving each cycle is to track your cervical fluid. If you've never heard the phrase cervical fluid, you're not alone! Despite this being a strong marker of health and fertility, women are very rarely taught about the importance of cervical fluid in school or by their healthcare providers.

I regularly review cervical fluid monitoring and how to identify fertile days with my patients who are trying to conceive and find that in some cases women have been trying for months and even years without ever been shared this essential information.

What is cervical fluid?

Cervical fluid is what many women have come to know as 'discharge', however, this name truly simplifies the complexity and importance of this substance.

Cervical fluid is produced under the influence of estrogen and is released by small folds within the cervix known as cervical crypts. As estrogen levels rise and ovulation approaches, the body produces more cervical fluid and it changes from a dry and tacky substance to a more wet, clear and stretchy form. 

Why is cervical fluid important for fertility?

Specific types of cervical fluid are essential to getting pregnant because they help sperm survive. The normal vaginal environment is acidic, and sperm die within minutes upon entering. Cervical fluid on the other hand is a basic substance that allows sperm to survive up to 5 full days! Fertile cervical fluid is rich in sugars and acts as a source of energy for sperm. Fertile cervical fluid is like a sperm superhighway. Fibres within the fluid align to support the forward movement of sperm upwards to the fallopian tubes where conception occurs.

Research has found that timing intercourse according to the most fertile cervical fluid results in higher pregnancy rates than timing based on other ovulation predictors such as the LH surge used in ovulation predictor kits.

How To Identify Cervical Fluid

Intercourse on any day you see watery, slippery or stretchy cervical fluid will increase the likelihood of a positive pregnancy result. Remember, sperm can only live up to 5 days in the presence of fertile cervical fluid. Stretchy, clear, raw egg white fluid is the most fertile cervical fluid indicating ovulation is upcoming, so having intercourse on any day this type of fluid is present is essential.

Cervical fluid can be broken down into the following types:

  • Dry — Non-fertile

  • Sticky— Low fertility

  • Creamy or lotion-y — Medium Fertility

  • Wet or watery — High Fertility

  • Stretchy and with a "raw egg white” quality — Peak Fertility

Steps To Monitoring Cervical Fluid

  1. Monitor your cervical fluid every time you go to the washroom, both before and after having a bowel movement or urinating.

  2. Fold 3-4 squares of toilet paper and with your eyes closed wipe from front to back.

  3. Feel for resistance (dryness) or slipperiness (fluid).

  4. Look at the tissue for evidence of cervical fluid. Note the colour, wetness and texture.

  5. If the fluid is evident, use two fingers to see how stretchy it is.

What if you don’t see any cervical fluid?

If you are monitoring cervical fluid and struggling to identify any fertile days, step number one is to make sure you are well hydrated. Cervical fluid is over 95% water so if you are having more coffee than water, this may be playing a role.

If you're well-hydrated and still not seeing any fertile cervical fluid, speak with a practitioner to investigate this further. Remember that fertile cervical fluid is the result of increased estrogen levels leading to healthy ovulation and an important marker of fertility. 

What if you see cervical fluid throughout the entire cycle?

Some women notice that they have weeks of fertile cervical fluid and can’t identify any dry days. If you experience this, reach out to a practitioner to get a proper workup. This can be a sign that your body is having multiple days of high estrogen but not reaching ovulation.

It is only after ovulation that we produce a hormone called progesterone. A healthy rise in progesterone will reduce cervical fluid production and lead to dry days. If you don’t experience any dry days, you’ll want to confirm you are ovulating and that your progesterone levels are sufficient for a healthy pregnancy.

Looking For More Fertility Support?

Understanding cervical fluid and how to monitor it is just one of many steps available to support your fertility! Naturopathic medicine has several tools that can support you along your fertility journey.


Ready to make a change?

If you're searching for more guidance, in-depth testing and understanding of how you can optimize your fertility through naturopathic medicine, you can book an appointment with me here.

Wishing you all the best,

Dr. Kelly Clinning, ND