Understanding Pregnancy Massage


When we fall pregnant, we often assume certain self-care treatments and practices are just off the table. Many of us wrongly assume that massage therapy isn’t something that can be accessed safely while pregnant.

Luckily, registered massage therapy is not only safe, but highly effective and potentially helpful to individuals who are pregnant! The changes that occur in a pregnant person’s body over 40 weeks, are some of the most dramatic that will ever happen in their life. The muscles and structures involved can certainly benefit from some support and care during this time, and massage therapy is a great way to achieve that!

Why Get a Pregnancy Massage?

Well as I just mentioned, the changes your body goes through are the most significant changes you will ever experience in your life. Massage therapy can help to safely support that, so you feel as comfortable as possible while pregnant. Some of the symptoms that massage therapy can address in pregnancy include:

  • Headaches – tension and hormonal

  • Neck & upper back pain from heavier breasts

  • Low back pain from altered posture, especially in the second and third trimesters

  • Hip and buttock pain, including sciatic nerve pain

  • Foot and calf cramps

  • Swelling at the hands, wrists, ankles, and feet

  • Rib pain, and difficulty taking deep breaths

  • Finally, tight, and restricted feeling in abdomen, especially in the third trimester

What Does Pregnancy Massage Look and Feel Like?

During the different phases and trimesters of pregnancy, your pregnancy massage may look very different!

If you are within your first trimester of pregnancy and comfortable to lie in any position, you are welcome to do this. Once you are into your second trimester onward (after 13 weeks) you are positioned on the massage table in the side-lying position, with lots of pillows for support and comfort.

Of course, as your pregnancy progresses, various areas of your body will require different focus. For example, in the first trimester we may be focusing more on 'baby brain' and headache support, while in your third trimester, we may be focusing on reducing swelling and increasing your comfort levels! This means different areas of the body will be worked on throughout your pregnancy.

When Should I Get a Pregnancy Massage?

You can receive massage at any point in your pregnancy, assuming you do not have any contraindications and have not been diagnosed as high-risk by your doctor. There are some adaptations to first term pregnancy massage (no abdominal massage, no spot specific sacral work, etc.), but massage is safe to receive at any point in your pregnancy.

Registered Massage Therapists have performed massage techniques on expectant mothers well into the third trimester, including during the birthing process. Adaptations for comfort, support, and focus of the massage appointment are made to ensure you are in the best, healthiest position and receiving treatment that will help you through the full term of your pregnancy!

Ready To Learn More?

If you want to learn more about pregnancy massage, you can reach out to the clinic directly for more information or check out our info page on pregnancy massage here.

Ready to make a change?

If you’re interested in pregnancy massage, we’re more than happy to help you out! Give us a call, or shoot us an email to learn more. If you’re ready to book your pregnancy massage, you can do that here.

Yours in health,

Patricia Lavers, RMT