Posts tagged PCOS
Trying To Get Pregnant With PCOS

We understand that trying to get pregnant with a PCOS diagnosis can be a very challenging, emotional, and stress-driven time. Our goal is to help dispel your concerns around conceiving with PCOS, as individuals with PCOS actually tend to respond quite positively to fertility interventions. Today, I’m taking you through ALL of the steps to go through if you’ve started on your PCOS fertility journey (this includes if you just started thinking about trying too!), so you can feel confident that you’re on the right track. 

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A Naturopathic Approach to Acne in PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) does not just affect the reproductive system; it's a condition that can profoundly affect various aspects of a person's health, including their skin. Among the various symptoms that PCOS presents with, acne stands out as a particularly frustrating and often distressing manifestation. According to recent statistics, up to 40% of people with PCOS experience acne, highlighting the significant impact this condition can have on skin health and self-esteem. In this area, we can see acne showing up as cystic or inflammatory, and often around the jawline and cheeks.

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Relief Beyond Pills: Exploring IV Vitamin Therapy for Period Pain

Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain is a challenge for many women or people with vulvas where more than 50% who menstruate have some pain for 1 to 4 days each month and this can be a pain level from mild to severe. This affects productivity, mood, and quality of life, and may make those suffering from it relentless and overwhelmed. In this blog, let us explore more on the common causes and symptoms of period pain and how IV Therapy can be a game changer to approach seeking relief from this discomfort.

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Psychotherapy for Empowering PCOS Lifestyle Change

Making lifestyle changes with PCOS can be challenging and overwhelming. Psychotherapy can provide valuable support and guidance to clients with PCOS, empowering them to navigate the necessary changes and enhance their overall well-being. Therapy provides a balance between practical strategies for implementing change and a deeper exploration of the strong emotions that can accompany the process.

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Supporting Fertility in PCOS

For many of my patients, one of the first thoughts that arise after a diagnosis of PCOS is if they will be able to get pregnant. Despite what you may have been told, a diagnosis of PCOS does not automatically mean you will struggle with fertility. Whether you’re just starting along your PCOS and fertility journey, or if you’ve been trying to conceive for some time, there is so much you can do to support your fertility in PCOS.

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The Real PCOS Types

Inflammatory PCOS, Adrenal PCOS, Insulin Resistant PCOS, Post-Pill PCOS, thyroid PCOS – these are all the ‘types’ of PCOS you’ve likely read about online. The reality is that these are not real types of PCOS. In this blog, we’ll take you through the REAL types of PCOS, that way, you’ll have a way better understanding of what PCOS is and isn’t, as well as how to go about finding care that is individualized to you!

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Trying To Get Pregnant With PCOS

Trying to get pregnant with a PCOS diagnosis can be a very challenging, emotional, and stress-driven time. There are some of us that get pregnant easily with PCOS, and then there are others, where month after month, nothing seems to be changing. PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in women – and this means it is generally more challenging to conceive with PCOS. BUT it’s also the condition most amenable to treatment, meaning we have the most options that are likely to yield benefit.

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Living With & Understanding Lean PCOS

PCOS is a spectrum condition. That means some individuals with PCOS fall into that classic presentation of ‘trouble losing weight, not getting a regular period, losing hair, etc’. But on the other side of the spectrum, there’s a very different person. This is Lean PCOS. Sadly, lean PCOS is like the ‘forgotten’ PCOS. There’s very little we know about why it happens, how to improve diagnostics, and most importantly, how to go about treating this type of PCOS most effectively.

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Is It Really PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, better known as PCOS, affects 5-10% of women of reproductive age. Having PCOS myself, I absolutely love treating PCOS. It responds SO well to natural treatments and women see big improvements with a few lifestyle changes. However, there’s a big problem plaguing the PCOS community: PCOS is being both overdiagnosed and underdiagnosed.

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