Posts in Autoimmunity
IV Vitamin Therapy for the Winter Blues

As the winter months settle in, many of us find ourselves grappling with lots of challenges that can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. From the onset of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to battling burnout and fatigue, the winter season presents unique hurdles that require proactive solutions. In this article, we jump into winter-related mental health challenges and how IV Vitamin Therapy can help!

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My Story with Endometriosis Part 3: What I’ve Learned & What to Do If You Think You Have Endometriosis


I shared my story to help bring awareness to how medicine is failing people with period pain. If you’re struggling with period pain, I want you to be able to navigate our health care system effectively and get the treatment you need to support your pain and potential complications of endometriosis. In this blog, I summarize what I learned over my 20 year journey with this disease, and the next steps to take if you’re worried you might have endometriosis too.

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My Story with Endometriosis Part 2: Fighting For a Diagnosis & Finally Getting Treatment

My story with endometriosis isn’t a story I thought I’d ever share. Part 2 is where the story gets really sad for me. This part of the story is about why I started fighting for a diagnosis, why it took so long to get a diagnosis, and finally what treatment and recovery was like for me.

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My Story with Endometriosis Part 1: Living With Endometriosis

My story with endometriosis isn’t a story I thought I’d ever share. I’m definitely a perfectionist, and my experience with endometriosis has been far from perfect. In Part 1, we’re starting from the beginning. I’ll take you through what it was actually like to live with endometriosis, and why it took me so long to get treatment.

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