The Importance of Lifestyle Medicine in PCOS


Living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) often feels like a balancing act, as you navigate a complex mix of symptoms that affect everything from your metabolism to your mood. With so many supplements on the market promising to balance hormones, regulate periods, and help with weight management, it’s easy to think that a pill might be the answer to your struggles. But here’s the truth: when it comes to managing PCOS, lifestyle is key.

The Role of Lifestyle in Managing PCOS

PCOS is a multifaceted condition influenced by factors such as insulin resistance, inflammation, and hormone imbalances. Because of this complexity, managing PCOS requires a comprehensive approach that addresses these underlying issues—and lifestyle plays a crucial role.

The core pillars of a healthy lifestyle—balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and stress management—are all essential in managing PCOS. For example, a diet rich in whole foods, fiber, and healthy fats can help regulate blood sugar levels and manage insulin resistance. Regular exercise can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, while quality sleep and effective stress management help to support the mental-emotional aspect of PCOS and support proper hormonal balance (i.e. insulin, cortisol, menstrual hormones).

The other beneficial part to lifestyle changes, is that some are FREE. Going for walks, deep breathing, body-weight workouts, incorporating sleep routines etc. All simple and no-cost strategies that can push the needle forward.

What’s the lowdown on supplements?

It’s amazing to see the growing research to support supplements and herbs in the treatment of PCOS. This is not to undermine their very important role in PCOS management. It is absolutely a large part of my treatment approach with PCOS. But, supplements are just one part of the bigger picture. Research shows that while supplements like inositol can help improve symptoms, their effectiveness is greatly enhanced when combined with lifestyle changes. It’s also important to note that not all supplements are safe or effective for everyone with PCOS, this is where an individualised approach is fundamental.

A Final Word

Managing PCOS is a journey that requires an individualized and root-cause approach. Once we discover the underlying factors driving your PCOS, we can determine a comprehensive treatment plan specifically tailored to your goals, your needs, and your specific root-causes. With all of the information on the web and socials, in combination with very good marketing from some supplement companies, it can be very overwhelming to figure out where to start.

Working with a naturopathic doctor can help ensure things are being properly assessed and investigated, while determining a plan that is safe, effective and tailored to you.

Ready to make a change?

You deserve a healthcare experience that goes beyond symptom management and considers your unique history, symptoms and needs. If you're seeking a better understanding of your condition and are ready for a comprehensive and personalized approach to managing your PCOS, I invite you to book a free complimentary call with me here.

Be well,

Dr. Jessica Nazareth, ND