A Naturopathic Approach to Acne in PCOS


PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) does not just affect the reproductive system; it's a condition that can profoundly affect various aspects of a person's health, including their skin. Among the various symptoms that PCOS presents with, acne stands out as a particularly frustrating and often distressing manifestation. According to recent statistics, up to 40% of people with PCOS experience acne, highlighting the significant impact this condition can have on skin health and self-esteem. In this area, we can see acne showing up as cystic or inflammatory, and often around the jawline and cheeks. 


PCOS-related acne is intricately linked to hormonal imbalances, particularly elevated levels of androgens such as testosterone and DHEAs. These hormonal fluctuations can trigger excessive sebum production, leading to clogged pores and inflammation, characteristic of acne. Other important underlying factors with PCOS are insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, both of which play significant roles in exacerbating acne symptoms in individuals with PCOS. More specifically, insulin resistance and high levels of androgens are closely linked and often stimulate one another.

It’s also important we are assessing other associations like high stress, lifestyle factors, and coexisting conditions that could be worsening acne. This is where proper assessment through laboratory testing, coupled with a thorough evaluation of symptoms in our initial visit, is absolutely fundamental to understand the underlying causes of the acne and treat accordingly.


Naturopathic approaches to managing PCOS-related acne are tailored to address the root causes identified through the comprehensive assessment. Dietary modifications play a pivotal role, with emphasis on anti-inflammatory foods and identifying and eliminating potential food intolerances. Increasing intake of polyphenol-rich foods can also help mitigate inflammation and improve skin health. General lifestyle pieces like proper sleep, exercise, hydration, and stress management can all play a role in this as well. Additionally, targeted supplementation may be recommended depending on the root cause, based on your testing and symptoms. For instance, saw palmetto can aid in balancing androgen levels, while interventions like berberine can address underlying insulin resistance and gut issues. This is where thorough assessments are key. 

A Final Word

Our skin communicates with us, offering insights into our internal health. It often requires more than just some topical treatment to create sustainable changes in the skin. Through investigating and addressing the underlying imbalances, you will be able to restore your skin health from within. If you're seeking a better understanding of your condition and are ready for a comprehensive and personalized approach to managing your PCOS, I invite you to book a free complimentary call with me here.

Ready to make a change?

You deserve a healthcare experience that goes beyond symptom management and considers your unique history, symptoms and needs. If you're seeking a better understanding of your condition and are ready for a comprehensive and personalized approach to managing your PCOS and Acne, I invite you to book a free complimentary call with me here.

Be well,

Dr. Jessica Nazareth, ND