Posts tagged Thyroid Health
Better Understanding Your Thyroid Health

Have you ever wondered what keeps your body run smoothly, ensuring that you have enough energy to tackle your day? The thyroid gland is responsible for that! It helps regulate your hormones, metabolism and energy production. But what happens when this falls out of sync? Enter Hashimoto's thyroiditis, one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism in North America. In this article, we will be exploring how some major thyroid health problems and a great holistic guide in approaching this.

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Managing Hypothyroidism During the Holidays

 As the holidays roll in, the mix of delicious treats and disrupted routines can throw our thyroid health off track. Enjoy the festive season without compromising your thyroid health. We'll tackle practical tips on food, sleep, stress, and self-care so you can soak up the holiday cheer and smoothly bounce back to your routine afterward. Let's make these holidays joyous and thyroid-friendly!

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Does Having Hashimoto’s Affect Your Fertility?

Deciding that you would like to start expanding your family can be such a beautiful and exciting time in life, but if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, these feelings of excitement can start to be overshadowed by fear, frustration, and confusion. In this blog we go over exactly HOW Hashimoto’s impacts fertility so you can go into trying to conceive from a place of knowledge rather than fear!

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Does Your Thyroid Condition Mean You Have to go Gluten-Free?

If you have a thyroid condition and have done some Googling, you’ve probably come across many blogs saying that a gluten-free diet is a must in order for your thyroid health to improve and for you to feel better. Maybe you’ve tried going gluten-free and it made you feel much better, or maybe it didn’t make a difference at all. So is gluten-free the way to go or not?

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Why TSH Alone Isn’t Enough to Properly Assess Thyroid Function

Have you ever been told that your thyroid function is normal since your TSH is within the "normal range"? Or maybe your TSH is higher than the range stated on the lab report, but it's not "high enough" to initiate treatment, so you're told to watch and wait. Whether you're having symptoms but your TSH appears to be "normal," or if your TSH is high but you're not comfortable with the watch and wait approach, there's more to the puzzle we can (and should) look into!

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