Posts in Mental Health
5 Physical Factors Impacting Your Mental Health

When we think about our mental health, many of us are quick to think about how we can better support our mood and emotions. What many of us fail to remember, is that there are many physical factors that can impact and even drive poor mental health forward! In this blog, we will be taking you through the 5 physical factors you need to consider when approaching your mental health.

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4 Ways IV Therapy Can Support Mental Health & Well-Being

If you’ve heard of IV Therapy, you’ve also likely noticed there are health claims for IV therapy for just about every condition under the sun. At our clinic, our goal is to deliver the highest quality integrative health care, and that means laying out the facts so you can make an informed decision when it comes to your health. This also means helping you avoid getting wrapped up in fad or trendy medical treatments! With that said, today, we’re answering the question, can IVs really help support your mental health and well-being?

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The 6 Possible Underlying Causes of PMDD

Whenever we get new PMDD patients, we always find ourselves going over the importance of understanding the 6 possible underlying causes of PMDD. The reason we put so much emphasis on understanding the root cause is that when we can start to identify your individual factors that are contributing to your experience of PMDD, that is when we can find a true diagnosis for your symptoms, start to correct these imbalances, and help you to start feeling more like yourself again. 

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How To Tell The Difference Between PMS & PMDD

For many of women, the second half of our cycle can feel like a real struggle. Whether we’re dealing with physical symptoms or mental-emotional symptoms, the one to two weeks leading up to our periods can be truly difficult to deal with. In many cases, the symptoms of PMS can feel so intense that they actually interfere with our ability to function normally. In these instances, we have to wonder if what we’re dealing with is actually PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) rather than PMS.

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What Happens When We Stress

You’ve likely heard that excessive stress can have negative impacts on our health. In fact, many of us have associated the word stress with something harmful. But is stress truly as bad as everyone says it is? In this blog, we go over the differences between acute and chronic stress, what happens to our bodies in the face of stress, and how we can break this cycle.

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How Harm Reduction Can Support Stress & Mental Well-Being

When we look at supporting our mental health and stress levels, sometimes it’s more about understanding ourselves better, understanding what soothes us, and not necessarily ridding ourselves of those feelings (or negative behaviours) entirely. This might not always look like the healthiest option, but it certainly will help us navigate where these feelings are originating from and set us on a trajectory for better mental health and stress resiliency. This is called harm reduction.

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How To Support Serotonin Levels Naturally

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in our brain. Neurotransmitters are the messengers of the brain – they have many roles in our body and play a particularly big role in how we feel mentally-emotionally. Lower amounts of serotonin are associated with low mood and increased anxiety. One of the ways that we can decrease the intensity of mood symptoms is by supporting healthy serotonin levels in our body.

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Food Stress Over the Holidays Part 1: Supporting a Healthy Relationship with Food

There is something about the holidays and holiday eating that holds a certain “stress” associated with it. If you find that you are feeling out of control with food, anxious around food, or if you are experiencing obsessions or compulsions around food, it does not have to be this way. Here are some simple things that you can try this holiday season to feel empowered around food, no matter what your actual food choices are.

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What is PMDD?: When Mental Health Meets Hormone Health

There is a new hormonal term going around that you may or may have heard of; PMDD. PMDD stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This is a diagnosis that refers to a group of PMS symptoms that become so intense that they have extreme mood implications, and severe impacts on quality of life. It can get so bad that for that period of the month it can feel like a depressive episode.

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Mental Health + Hormones: Part 3

Welcome to week 3 of exploring the link between our mental health and our hormones. Today we are looking at how our food choices and our cravings are linked to our hormonal health and blood sugar levels. Sometimes the things that we choose to eat are not always based on our conscious control but other processes that are happening in our bodies, including our hormones.

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