How To Support Serotonin Levels Naturally


It has been a tough couple of years. In addition to the baseline stress that comes with being a human, we have been forced to navigate being a human in a pandemic. This has led to changes in routine, stress, uncertainty and isolation. 

These changes have been hard to say the least. As we try and get back to our normal lives now, I have noticed that many of us are not feeling great. We are nervous, uncertain, lonely, exhausted, and worried. Many of us are feeling low, maybe even depressed. Whether it feels like it or not, you have been through a lot and your nervous system is feeling those changes!

The real question as we try and return to normal life is, how can we find ways to feel okay or lessen the intensity of these feelings? One of the best ways is to look at our nervous system neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin.  

What Is Serotonin?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in our brain. Neurotransmitters are the messengers of the brain – they have many roles in our body and play a particularly big role in how we feel mentally-emotionally. Lower amounts of serotonin are associated with low mood and increased anxiety. One of the ways that we can decrease the intensity of mood symptoms is by supporting healthy serotonin levels in our body. 

How Can We Support Serotonin Naturally?

There are many ways that we can boost our serotonin levels naturally. Although we stereotypically think about serotonin production in the brain, there are many other ways in which we can help optimize levels of this neurotransmitter:

gut health

It is estimated that 90-95% of the body’s serotonin is actually made in the gut! Our gut bacteria are the ones responsible for producing our body’s supply of serotonin. Therefore, an easy way to support serotonin levels naturally, is to ensure we are supporting our digestive health and our gut microbiome as much as possible! If you’d like to learn more about supporting digestion, you can check out our resources on our gut healing protocol, and how to choose probiotics properly!

stress support

When we are living in a state of chronic stress it depletes our serotonin levels – no wonder everyone is feeling so down! The stress that we have been under over the past couple of years has been insurmountable.

One way to help replenish serotonin levels it to try to address and decrease stress. This can involve setting some boundaries for yourself, getting rest, carving out some time in the day to do things that you like and giving your nervous system some much needed TLC.

There are also specific herbs that help to decrease stress and regulate our stress hormone (cortisol) levels – example of these include Ashwagandha, L-theanine, Rhodiola, and many more! Remember that natural doesn’t mean safe – always check in with a health care provider to find out if these herbs are right for you.


Sleep is an incredibly important time for our body to heal and recover. When we don’t sleep properly, not only does it impact our physical health, but our mental health as well. Sleep is when our nervous system can reset, and neurotransmitters can balance out. Making sure that you are getting enough sleep at night can help to support healthier serotonin levels in the body, amongst other things.


An easy way to support serotonin is through our diet. Serotonin is made from the essential amino acid tryptophan, and we cannot produce tryptophan in the body on our own. We need to get it through our food!

When we don’t consume enough tryptophan in the diet, it can lead to lower serotonin levels, and increased risk of mood disorders. Research has found consuming a low tryptophan diet drops brain levels of serotonin. Therefore, consuming tryptophan-rich foods may be of benefit!

Foods rich in tryptophan include eggs, nuts and seeds, pineapple, cheese, tofu, salmon, and turkey.

nervous system

Finally, supporting the nervous system directly can help support healthier serotonin levels.

There are two natural supplements that really help to boost serotonin in the body. These are 5HTP and St. John’s Wort. 5HTP is converted into serotonin in the body – it has many benefits including helping with sleep, digestion, decreasing anxiety and boosting mood. St. John’s Wort acts on our brain to help make the serotonin that we have more useful and available. It has been studied extensively for supporting depression.

Vitamin B6 can also be helpful in boosting serotonin levels- it is used as a cofactor in the reactions that convert the raw materials in our body into serotonin.

Always check in with your health care practitioner about supplements that work on serotonin – they have many interactions with medication and should not be taken without a medical consultation!

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help Support Serotonin & Mental Wellbeing

As you can see there are many ways in which you can help to support serotonin levels naturally! If you have been struggling with your mental health and want to learn more about how naturopathic medicine can help support you, you can book a complimentary consult with me here.

Ready to make a change?

If you’re ready to speak to a Naturopathic Doctor about your mental health & wellbeing, you can book a complimentary consult with me here.

Yours in health,

Dr. Alexandra Sisam, ND