Surprising Signs That You Might Be In Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the years of hormonal fluctuations that occur leading into menopause. While it often starts for women between 40-45, for some women it can start in their 30s. Also, unlike menopause, which is technically 1 year after your last period, perimenopause can last anywhere between 4-8 years.
Commonly misunderstood, perimenopause is actually the more tumultuous time period rather than menopause itself! Recognizing both the common and unexpected signs of perimenopause, can help you to understand when to start seeking out support so you can go through perimenopause feeling empowered and at your best!
Recognizing Common Symptoms of Perimenopause in Women
Perimenopause often manifests in women through common symptoms. These symptoms may still be overlooked, so it’s important you’re familiar with what these common signs are. These symptoms include:
Cycle changes, where periods either become closer together or further apart. One of the most telling signs of perimenopause are cycles that have deviated by 7 days or more from the usual length.
Changes to our periods themselves. This includes changes to flow with perimenopausal hormonal changes causing heavier menstrual flow initially, followed by lighter flow as perimenopause progresses.
Worsening PMS symptoms. This is often one of the first signs we see that perimenopause is on the horizon. If you previously had easy PMS weeks, and your symptoms are now more pronounced, you’ll want to look into this further.
Insomnia characterized by waking through the night.
Mood changes accompanied by irritability.
Unexpected Signs of Perimenopause
There are other signs of perimenopause that many of us are less well educated about! Often overlooked and easily missed, these several unexpected symptoms can serve as early signs of perimenopause. These symptoms include:
Heart palpitations accompanied by a feeling of breathlessness
New-onset anxiety or reduced stress tolerance
Increased breast size
New-onset acne
Joint and muscle pain
Unexpected weight gain, despite lifestyle remaining consistent
A sudden rise in cholesterol levels
A noticeable decline in libido
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to discuss them with your Naturopathic Doctor so you can be properly assessed for perimenopause.
A Final Word
If you’re experiencing any of these changes and aren’t sure what’s going on, talk to your health care provider to figure out if these changes are hormonal or if they require any further investigation. The more we keep perimenopause in our minds as a possibility the less women will have to go through years of worsening symptoms and frustrating testing without any clarity!
If you want to learn more about naturopathic medicine and how we approach perimenopause you can read more on that here. You can also reach out to us for support!
Ready to make a change?
If you're searching for more guidance and understanding of how you can support perimenopause with naturopathic medicine, you can book a complimentary consult with me here.
Yours in health,
Dr. Hayhlee Clarence, ND