Can Lymphatic Massage Really Help You Detox?


Lymphatic massage has received a lot of attention over the last few years. From weight loss to detox abilities, there is a lot of information being put out there about lymphatic massage and what it can do for your health!

Since it’s the new year, and many people are interested in the idea of ‘detoxing’ this time of year, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to set the record straight! Can lymphatic massage really help with detoxification?

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is our body’s natural ability to remove waste. This is something our bodies do naturally every single day. We don’t need to go on a ‘detox diet’, a ‘cleanse’ or fast, or get special treatment to achieve detoxification – our bodies are already doing this amazing detoxification work for us!

We have several organs of detoxification (better known as organs of elimination) including our liver, our digestive system, our kidneys, our skin, our lymphatic system and our lungs.

Why Would We Need Help With Detoxing?

Sometimes, when we haven’t been able to prioritize our health our organs of elimination can become bogged down. For example, eating more inflammatory foods over the holidays, or drinking alcohol more frequently can lead to increased detoxification demand on our bodies, and over time we can develop symptoms of toxic burden. This can include symptoms like acne, eczema, digestive disturbances, brain fog, hormone disruptions and chronic fatigue.

What is The Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is essentially a filtration and drainage system that collects and transports unwanted debris, toxins, and bacteria from our cells to the bloodstream, to then be eliminated by the body.

The lymphatic system involves a highly extensive network of vessels, similar to arteries or veins, that pass through all of our tissues to allow for the flow of lymph, which allows this detoxification and filtration process to occur.

Unfortunately our lymphatic system does not have a pump to move lymphatic fluid around. The only way to ensure proper flow and drainage of lymph (and therefore lymphatic detoxification) is through movement.

What Does Lymphatic Massage Do for Lymphatic Health?

The whole lymphatic system can become challenged when we have long periods of inactivity. This could include situations such as bed rest, pregnancy, post-injury or post-surgery.

But also let’s be real – not all of us are great at prioritizing movement at this time of year! It’s cold and unappealing outside, and we have a natural tendency to want to hibernate in the winter. Let’s also not forget that coming off the holidays, we may have increased detoxification demands being placed on the body right now.

This is where lymphatic massage can really shine! Lymphatic massage stimulates lymphatic circulation by moving lymph along to lymph nodes when we’ve been slacking on supporting this natural process ourselves.

So, Can Lymphatic Massage Really Help You Detox?

The main goal of lymphatic massage is to help speed along that process of removing accumulated lymph, so that elimination of toxins and waste products can occur more efficiently! So, can lymphatic massage help you detox then? Short answer is yes, it can.

BUT we can’t rely on this technique alone to help support our natural detoxification abilities. We need to also support our other organs of elimination (liver, digestive system, skin, kidneys, lungs), through a balanced lifestyle!

If you’re looking for support with detoxification, and it sounds like you might need some support with your lymphatic flow specifically, regular massage therapy, with the integration of lymph drainage, can help support the efficiency of your lymphatic system and your overall health and well-being!

Ready To Learn More?

If you want to learn more about lymphatic massage, you can reach out to the clinic directly for more information or check out our info page on lymphatic massage here.

Ready to make a change?

If you’re interested in lymphatic massage, we’re more than happy to help you out! Give us a call, or shoot us an email to learn more. If you’re ready to book your lymphatic massage, you can do that here.

Yours in health,

Patricia Lavers, RMT