The Orenda Clinic & Apothecary - Toronto Naturopath Clinic focused on Hormone Support, Cancer Care and Fertility

Depression +

Low Mood


depression + low mood

Providing long-term mental, emotional and physical support for low mood and depression so you can reconnect with yourself and reclaim your life

How We Can Help

Chances are if you are here that you have been struggling with your mood for too long.  If you find yourself drained from doing daily activities, if you would rather be in bed than anything else, if you find that struggling with your internal world takes all of the energy you have to get through the day, you’re in the right place. 

Our team is here to help support you to understand what is happening with your mood and transcend the intensity of these experiences so that you can function on a daily basis and reconnect with yourself. 

Through individualized support we are here to support you, balance your mood and examine your sense of self through customized treatment plans, a safe environment and ongoing support.

What is Depression?

Depression is a NORMAL emotional state that is characterized by low mood amongst other symptoms both physical and emotional. When depression becomes pathologic is when it start to interfere with your daily functioning and your ability to live your life. 

Some of the symptoms of low mood and depression include:

  • Changes in appetite

  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping often 

  • Exhaustion

  • Lack of motivation 

  • Trouble concentrating 

  • Extreme sadness 

  • Feelings of heaviness 

Without support depression and low mood can be isolating and all consuming. It can feel like there isn’t a way to get through the day. We are here to help. You are not in this alone. 

You don’t need to have an official diagnosis to be impacted by low mood and depression. It is very common to have times in your life when your external circumstances can lead to intense mood changes. Those times of situational depression deserve support as well.

What To Expect

Our mental state can impact every system in our body as well as how you feel both emotionally and physically. From your mental state to your physical bodies, our team is here to support you. We look at how your mood is impacting you on a daily basis and how we can bring it into balance We also look beyond mood itself examining all of the different parts of life that can be contributing to this state including external influences, physical functioning, sense of self as well as treating any other conditions present. We are here to support you to find space amidst these mood changes so that you can reconnect with yourself and live your life.

The 5 Pillars of Mood Support

  1. Mental + Emotional Support - The first step is acknowledging what is going on for you on a daily basis. We work to manage the intensity of the mental, emotional symptoms and stressors that you are experiencing everyday so that you can function in your life. We will work to identify and navigate the underlying thoughts, conditions, experiences and feelings that are contributing to your mental health and well-being.

  2. Supporting The Digestive System – Our mental and physical body are so interconnected that when one is stressed or overwhelmed the other will often follow. We will work to support and reset your digestive function and associated symptoms so that we can use the nutrients from food in order to support our mood When we are nourished our body has the tools that it needs to support our nervous system function and balance our mood.

  3. Optimizing Physical Health – We look at your physical body including your nervous system, adrenal gland and hormonal health to bring it back into balance so that you can nourish your nervous system and support your neurotransmitter balance.

  4. Relationship With Yourself – By acknowledging your relationship with your mental and emotional state, we work to foster a sense of safety and freedom in your feelings so that they are not the enemy but a gateway into understanding yourself. We look at your own sense of self and how environmental factors are contributing to that. We give you the space to get to know yourself so that you are not controlled by your mental state so that you can live your life.

  5. Long-Term + Relapse Support – Our mental health and wellbeing doesn’t just end once we are feeling better. It is an ongoing dynamic being the same way that our physical body is. In this way there are times in our lives when our mental health needs more support and times when it doesn’t. We are here for all of it. We offer long-term support to navigate the many different phases that come with navigating your mental health so that you can thrive long term. As our lives change old patterns can be activated and that is okay. That is us just trying to survive. We are here, and prepare for those moments too.

If you’ve been affected by depression and/or low mood and want to learn more about naturopathic support, we offer complimentary 15 minute consults.


Looking for Support?

dr. alexandra sisam, nd

Dr. Alexandra Sisam is our chief Naturopathic Doctor focusing on mental health, PMDD + eating disorders. You can learn more about her practice here.

dr. amanda guthrie, nd, rp

Dr. Amanda Guthrie is a Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Psychotherapist with a special focus on treating stress, anxiety disorders and depression. You can learn more about her practice here.

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